Thursday, September 27, 2007

It’s a Drunkard

“Oh! That’s the one! That’s the one! I’ve been looking for it for ages, and here it is! It’s exactly the same one I had seen in that fashion magazine!” I exclaimed, hugging a pretty dress, complete with pink trimmings.

“Oh, really?” my mother snatched the dress from me and search for the price tag.” Look dear, this dress is very costly, so…”

“So, you can’t buy it for me!” I grunted. As I stomped off. I wondered why Mother was so ‘stingy’ these few days. However, Mother and Father had still brought me to this newly open department store, so I knew they still cared for me.

As I slipped my tiny hand in to my father’s, there was a loud piercing scream. Before I could even turn my head, there was a loud crash as I stared wide-eyed at people running in different directions.

“Father! Mother! What’s happening?” I whispered, as the usual easy tears came into my eyes. My parent started to comfort me.

Father glanced around the chaotic department store, “It’s a drunkard. ‘ He said.

“A drunkard? What’s a drunkard?” I asked, as my innocent-looking eyes darted from the left, to the right, and to the left again.

Just as Father was about to explain to me what a drunkard is, Mother stopped him. “Do not pour any poisonous stuff into young Felicity’s ears!”

CRASH! This time, it was so loud that I had to cover my ears and close my eyes. Father hurried Mother and me out of the department store. Nearing the exit, I caught sight of a man swaying to and fro, as though he was doing some sort of a silly dance. No wonder so many people were running, I told myself. They wanted to avoid this silly- and dangerous- man.

All of a sudden, everything happened quickly. It was as though I was watching Jackie Chan’s latest movie. A security guard pounced onto the man, and they began to wrestle. Woman screamed and covered their eyes.

Sirens could be heard in the distance. Policemen, as fit as could be, ran up the escalator and made their way to the store.

The police stopped the man, pressed him onto the ground, and handcuffed him. People cheered and clapped wildly.

After an announcement, everything returned to normal. I watched the police car drive away till it was out of my sight. Poor guy, I thought sadly, buy he’s still dangerous.

Hand in hand with my parents, we made our way back to the department store. I found the dress again and pleaded with my parents to buy it from me.

“Please?” I pleaded.

“No way! It’s way too expensive!” insisted Mother, her two beady eyes glaring at me.

“Fine then!” I said, knowing that it was of no use to continue pleading.

When I got back home, I wrote about the drunkard in my bedroom, feeling very pleased with myself. However, I will never forget this incident- my first encounter with a drunkard.

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